Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Christmas Eve seems a good time to reflect on all the blessings of a wonderful year... how very fortunate we amazingly quick time passes as an adult and how slowly it seemed to drag as a child and teenager....It seems rather mind-boggling that so many joyous events could have taken place in the time span of one year. 

My family. I love them so. So much to celebrate. Two engagements...five have the privilege of  being married to my best friend and favorite adult human. To celebrate our life together, to help one another over the fallen branches,to watch with him as our son learned to swim, to slide down a pole, to ride a bike, to spell and add and write, to play soccer, land a cartwheel and flip upside down on the swing set and speak other languages with a perfect accent and made-up his seemingly endless repertoire of knock-knock jokes...

My friends. They complete a part of me I didn't know was missing. They gift me with  laughter, support,camaraderie,  friendship. They have changed the world as I knew it.

The outcome of this year's election. Hope is upon our nation at long last.

Traveling. Being immersed in the society of another country has made me realize what I am missing from my own.

My job. Being paid to do something I love.

Our health. So easy to take it for granted, but I try to celebrate every moment I recall that I am able to bend over and pick-up something off of the floor, that I am able to walk without pain, that my loved ones are not ill or suffering.

So many tiny miracles. Isn't it fantastic that you can plant a seed and it will grow into a plant from which your family will be fed?
How grateful I am for this one precious life. I hope only to prove myself worthy of this unbelievable gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it has been a very special year. i love that you are able to summarize it in photographs and words so perfectly.