You first fell under my disapproving eye when you, a MOTHER, went on your little tirade about the yuck factor of breast feeding in public.(No, I don't watch The View, I read about it in the newspaper and I know Barbara backed you up, but she's from the generation who was told formula is best, plus she didn't have the option of breast feeding her child. And she's 110.) Now, honey, no matter what your big 'ol football player hubby tells you, that's what your boobs are actually made to do--feed your children. By making a fuss about breast feeding in public, you're sexualizing the act of women feeding their child. And that's just silly. Everyone knows that if it's possible for you to breast feed that breast is best for both mother and child. Furthermore, if you breast feed, you know that you need to do it on demand, which means you just may be in public when your child is hungry. It happens. It's not a sexual act, okay toots?
Now you have pissed me off because you have actually made me feel sorry for Sarah Palin that you were chosen to introduce her. That's right. Your terrible introduction of her was just that bad. Good Lord girl, did you decide to not write anything down or maybe do a little research or practice in front of the mirror? The one thing you chose to focus upon was the supposed criticism of her wardrobe? I've read an awful lot of criticism about her, but I've only read one thing about her wardrobe and that was how much it costs AND it was lumped in with the outrageous costs of each candidate's wardrobe, Obama included. And then you, the most sexist git on morning television, a woman who can't even support a woman's right to feed her child when it's hungry, have the gall to call that sexism? And you follow that up by pointing out that Palin's best quality is that she wears an American flag on her lapel?!?
I feel certain that Sarah Palin wished she had her high power rifle to shoot you. That's the best you could come up with--that she wears an American flag pin? Hey, I have one too, should I run for VP? Granted, I'm not sure what else you could have said that was positive about her, but that's not my job. It was yours. Maybe they should have chosen the other reality show Republican chick for your job: Rachel from The Real World San Francisco.
1 comment:
Really? You have an American Flag pin?
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