Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wow. Three posts in one day. I must be snowed-in.

My to-do list isn't going so well. I got some unexpected, but very welcome editing work this morning. Check. I made chocolate chip cookies. Check. I used the snow blower on the driveway and shovelled out the garage and shovelled out a Stella spot twice. And lured her outside with a cookie to use it. Check. Mort and I colored, but he is adamant about not doing any Valentines today. Laundry is almost done. Check. I did get Mort outside for a bit, but it's blowing pretty hard. Mmm. Not a full-check on that one.

How many chocolate chip cookies does two hours of snow blowing and shovelling burn off? One and a half?

I am honestly too tired to clean. I was all ready to go. Took an allergy pill and everything this morning. But it is going to have to wait until tomorrow. Please. Please let them have school tomorrow. Thank-you.


Unknown said...

I always wondered what was the final disposition of the Barbie empire...

Kerouaced said...

My sisters still lament the loss of their Barbie collection. Get over it. :)