Tuesday, February 16, 2010

As I was driving Mort to school this morning, I marvelled at the wealth of deer and other animal tracks crisscrossing the otherwise untouched snow. All of the freshly tossed beer cans and bottles that littered the landscape? Not so much marvelling, more of the shuddering. It's pretty frightening to realize just how many people are obviously drinking and driving. Or driving whilst drinking. During a snowstorm. Before the plows have even been out. Because if those yahoos are out and about during those conditions, how many of them are steering with one hand and knocking back a beer with the other when the driving conditions are good? Scary stuff. I have to say, it does make me wonder why there is no law in effect requiring car companies to proactively install those contraptions mandated for repeat drunk drivers where you have to blow into the tube and if you're over the legal limit, your car won't start. I mean, who wouldn't be willing to pay an extra $100 for a car if it meant keeping drunk drivers off the road?Granted, people started crying about personal freedom when wearing a seat belt was required, but I think considering drunk driving is already illegal, proactively enforcing that overrides the personal freedom argument. And besides, your freedom to drive while drunk takes away everyone else's freedom to be safe from you on the roads.

Do you see how I can fix everything if given a chance?


Kerouaced said...

Good points. It isn't a RIGHT for people to drink and drive. And other than the fact that they are risking other peoples lives they are also littering. It would never cross my mind to toss something out the window unless it was organic and would be broken down and still I wouldn't throw it in a field or something where it would help rather than hurt the environment. Most people are just short-sighted and not very self-educated...(please correct my grammatical errors. Thanks)

Shelly Boback said...

I would vote for you.