Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saw Crazy Heart. Rather, I sobbed my way through Crazy Heart. By the time we got home, my eyes were sore and swollen. However, it was a good movie, albeit obviously very emotional. (Not that you can really go by my usually overflowing feelings. I also cried through Bend It Like Beckham and a myriad of other movies simply because they were nice. If someone onscreen cries, so do I.) The writers and Jeff Bridges managed to accomplish the feat of creating a character who is not necessarily a particularly likable person, and yet the audience still is pulling for him. Good music, too. In fact, despite some questionable judgement on the part of the character played by Maggie Gyllenhal, the only flaw was the casting of Colin Farrell. Just did not make any sense. I can't fathom why they made that call unless there was some type of contractual obligation to fulfill. Really could not have been more miscast. That's all.

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