Tuesday, January 13, 2009

titles are challenging

I heard from my editor  and the woman for whom I ghostwrote an article based upon the  Jewish traditions  in her life was very pleased with the result. It feels so good to have accurately captured her tale in a way that she is happy to have her name attached to it. Especially as I am about 40 years younger and a lapsed Catholic who wrote the article surrounded by a giant pile of books and two computers  and it was my first attempt at writing in the voice of a person I didn't invent. Although, in that way, maybe it was easier. I had a definitive, non-negotiable personality to capture whereas when I write fiction, I have to embody my characters and they can change at the whim of my mood or lack of sleep.

Speaking of which, it was another 3am wake-up. Ugh. 

Okay, I'm lying here zoning out.

I am very glad that I do not eat scallops as I discovered yesterday during one of our marathon reading sessions that scallops have 100 eyes. Can you imagine eating something with 100 eyes? How disgusting is that? I'm not coming from a selfless we are all one point of view. I find all shellfish to be pretty foul. Lobster and shrimp are freaking insects. Anything encased in a shell has the texture of something that's been encased in a shell. It doesn't help when you go to the beach and have the misfortune of entering one of those places where people are hunched over picnic tables surrounded by mounds of crab shells and corncobs, grunting and shoveling food into a greasy mouth with their thick fingers. Blick. I'll take fake crabmeat in my sushi , thanks.

1 comment:

Kerouaced said...

When you get a finished copy send it to me. I'd like to read it.

Ewe, lobster and shrimp are bugs aren't they? Damn exoskeletons...