Friday, January 30, 2009

I really lost in the battle against insomnia last night. I slept only three hours.I went to bed at 9:30 and woke-up fully awake and ready for the day at 11:30. I was unable to fall asleep again until sometime after 4 and woke-up at 5.

I slept poorly the entire week, I think because I was fighting a cold, as was Mort, and I had mom ears on in case he needed me. I woke up every time so much as a snowflake drifted to the ground.

Somehow, however,I beat back my cold, even without sleeping. Yesterday, it was full-blown, despite my weak attempts to stave it off with Breathe Easy and Detox tea, vitamins and oj. My throat hurt, my head hurt, I was stuffed-up and achy and convinced I was barreling towards the flu. I drank 900 mugs of Throat Soother, Cold Season, and Echinacea tea and we sat outside breaking and throwing ice and snowballs for an hour to get fresh air and damned if my cold isn't 100% gone today.

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