Friday, October 16, 2009

This will be boring. You've been forewarned.

I've been having dreams this week that when I awake I can't remember if I had the dream last night or long ago and just incorporated it into last night's dream. I told you this would be boring. Because seriously, how boring is listening to other people's dreams? And we all want to describe them to our audience in great detail . And no matter how unique the dream was, it was a dream. It wasn't real. And they never really make any sense to the listener, especially because one typically forgets half the details as they fade with sleep and there's lots of, "Oh wait! I forgot that when I was flying I was also holding a sandwich and drinking a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks that I got for free because it was the tenth punch on my punch card." As in, boring. By the way, that was NOT what my dream was about last night. My dream was infinitely more exciting. There was jogging and roller skating involved.

1 comment:

Kerouaced said...

You weren't flying with that kid in that homemade balloon where you? :)