Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I hope that when the Easter Bunny arrives, it is unable to sneak under the staked fence barricade in the garden over which Mortslaved. I am fairly certain that everything within that fence is frozen at this point, but you never know. And while I have little doubt that the Eater (ha! I meant to type Easter, but instead I typed Eater. That, my friends, is a good 'ol Freudian slip.) Bunny could chew its way through the fence, I do not think it would have time to chew a hole large enough for its basket of goodies. I also hope that it is not 31 degrees on Easter. Because that will probably make it chilly for the Easter egg hunt I have planned. Oh, I'll be fine, because I can watch from the window. But it might be tricky for Mort. Especially as I have already put away the winter coats.

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