Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I just submitted my first graded assignment for class. It was hard. Freakishly, frustratingly hard. Hard enough that it makes me question my ability to have a career in this field. (Would you per chance like to read some more sentences that contain the word hard?)

I knew that I didn't have any formal training in the world of editing, hence undergoing the process of becoming professionally certified. However, I was unaware that I apparently also have no skill or background in the English language. Seriously. Duke was better able to dissect the sentences than I. And his last brush with English was 20 years ago. Ugh.

Someone has been returning home from school each day (cough*Mort*cough) having gotten in trouble for a repeated insistence on talking out of turn. Yesterday, however, he made it through the entire day without having to be spoken to about his speaking AND he won an excellence award for having written an complete sentence constructed and correctly spelled without any assistance. Hmmm. Maybe Mort should help me with my assignment...

I don't tend towards the hysterical. At least, I don't think I do. Maybe my loved ones would disagree. Anyway, I have had a small red irritation on my face for over a month now. Originally, I thought it was the start of a zit. Because wrinkles and zits are fun, fun, fun for the almost 40s! In fact, I said to my sister, "Look at this stupid zit." See, that proves it looked like a soon-to-be zit. But here it is a month later, and it is still here. Except now it's puffy and irritated looking and just never subsides. And I never touched it and it never became a zit. So that makes me wonder if it's time to see a dermatologist? Really? Have I reached this stage in life?

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