Saturday, March 21, 2009

What are the chances of a chrysalis surviving a frost? The salad spinner has to stay on the deck in case it is not a butterfly cocoon after all, but rather some gelatinous mass of scary insect that would become entangled in my hair. Because that's what bugs do. 

I am feeling the love! I have had three days straight of some of my favorite people. And tea. And espresso martinis. And apples and garlic bread and hot dogs. And laughing. 

What do you do if one of the plants in a terrarium starts trying to overthrow the others? I admire its dedication to survival, but I may have to put it in solitary confinement.

1 comment:

Kerouaced said...

Yikes, I would keep that thing outside too.

I really like the way you described the plant in the terrarium.