Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I have always been partial to Janice from The Muppet Show. If she didn't epitomize  chic, I don't know who did. I think the sax player looked an awful lot like Frank Stallone.

The problem with writing a blog is that sometimes people start reading it. And then you start censoring yourself. Maybe I need to start another one so that I can really let the freak flag fly without risk.

People who use football analogies for everyday life should be stopped.

Andy Rooney is so old he wore a full-length wool bathing suit. It's true! His column this week started with that little nugget. I couldn't read further because my head stopped working at that unfortunate image. But really, how old is he? Isn't that what Laura Ingalls Wilder wore?

Sometimes I am fearful that we are raising our son in a 70s time warp. He can reel off the name of every special guest star on The Muppet Show, complete with title: "Miss Rita Moreno! Miss Valerie Harper! Mr. Joel Grey!" He reads books that don't read back to him.  He walks around the house turning off lights and scolding people for wasting water. He likes the original Star Wars but is less than impressed with the ones George Lucas vomited for sheer profit(okay, maybe he likes them all just fine and that one is really me).  He enjoys a  good bowl of chicken corn soup.  I mean, it's not like he's holding up his tape player to get songs off the radio. But it's also not like he has ever watched a DVD in the car or played an electronic game at the dinner table. I am a big fan of that type of life. But I am also an adult who has chosen this path. If you raise your kid like it's 1978 but it's really 2009, will they be able to relate to their peers? Will they have common ground?Are our choices making our kid an anomaly? 

I can't help but wonder about that. We're definitely doing something wrong. Everyone does. But what will it be? What will be our mistake that he holds tightly as proof of our inadequacy? Will it be something we currently agonize over or will it be something we cannot even begin to imagine? I guess you just have to hope that in the end, the good you do outweighs the bad.

I believe that we are biologically driven to reproduce, to become parents, to raise children, although, certainly some are able to allow logic to prevail. Who would sanely choose such a ferocious undertaking? But when we do have these little lives in our care, what are we doing? Are we trying to right the wrongs in our own childhoods? Are we trying to recreate what we deem idyllic? Are we raising soldiers to carry out our version of values into the world at large?

Unrelated-or maybe not. What kind of asshole punches McGruff the Crime Dog because he "thought it would be funny"? What is wrong with people?!

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