Thursday, February 12, 2009

Being driven insane by the wind. What makes the sound of wind so eerie and annoying? Lost power at 3 am, which surprisingly enough, woke me up. And then I felt compelled to stay awake to listen to the gusts and protect our home from it with my vigilance. 

i have been trying to stop taking Zyrtec. I can't imagine that it is good for the body to be so consistently on medication. I only lasted two days before my allergies took a turn for the worse. Maybe I can try again once the warm snap is over.

so weary today. I am having a hard time getting the party started.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I was awake at 3:45 this morning due to the wind as well. The wind was so bad I actually felt the house shaking just a bit. I hope it stops soon. I was supposed to run errands today but don't want to venture outside!