Monday, November 9, 2009

wow. Wacky tired today. went grocery shopping and then worked my editing arse off for hours upon hours. I honestly thought at one point that the book I'm editing was a joke, like maybe it's really some kind of editing test. because that is the only reasonable explanation. and the when I was done, I went to pick-up Mort. We drove home behind a car that bore a sticker reading: Jesus May Come Today. Were will you be?

Apparently my life is one bad editing joke today.

1)It's WHERE, not were.
2) Do they mean to say "where will you be going?"
Because if Jesus came right then, I would be sitting in the car behind someone lacking in basic English and I would probably get to see Him shake His head in disbelief.

And while I was laughing, Mort, of course, wanted to know what was so funny. So, I tried to convey my amusement to him, ie, I read the bumper sticker and explained that it wasn't even close to proper English and I had been editing all day and it struck me as funny. As in , on the verge of hysteria funny.

Mort thought it over for a bit and then said"Oh! I know; you'd be going to Heaven. Is that what they're asking?"

I agreed that pretty much, yes it was. I left out the part where the person who has that kind of sticker on their car obviously feels that THEY are going to Heaven; the rest of us, probably not so much.

"Why do they have that on their car?" Mort asked. How much do I love my son?

I actually tried to explain about fanaticism before just downgrading it to a lyric in a Beck song: Some people just like to get crazy with the cheeze whiz.

And then we went home and cut back the fall foliage and made a turkey-in-disguise for school.


Kerouaced said...

Nice find. Do you think it says anything about the IQ of people who have bumper stickers like this on their cars. he he

Kerouaced said...

Oh and of course I forget a question mark. How low is my IQ? he he