Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sun is shining. Birds are singing. Crocuses are blooming in the yard.My roots are freshly dyed a lovely color. Kindergarten registration is behind me.

Ah, kindergarten registration. I won't get into the whole thing because I have to treadmill it this morning and quite frankly, there is not enough coffee in this house to get through that saga. There were screaming children clinging to their parents' legs. There were parents crying. And they weren't even crying over their child's inability to go read a chart and get a cookie without them! Yeesh. If my kid pulled that, I would be crying with the relief that someone else had to deal with that mess for 10 minutes. I mean, I've been joking about the whole thing, but wtf? Yes, I felt a pang over how tiny my very tall for his age little guy seemed in that school. Yes, I felt a wave of tenderness when he solemnly shook hands with the principal using his left hand. And I have no doubt that come fall I will be lucky to make it inside before I vomit as the bus pulls away.

However. If you are crying while you are signing your kid up for school, do ya think there's any particular reason why your child is lying on the floor with a death grip around your ankles screaming their head off? I mean, it's not exactly like you're on the Titanic here.

Anyway, our particular situation had to do with the student helper, the dangerous people in the school she informed my son he had to make sure to never talk to because they would get him and how she told him not to tell anyone. Let's just say it was a very good day to be wearing pointy toed boots with four inch heels. They hurt your target alot more than Birkenstocks when you're doing some ass kicking. 

I will have two five year old boys tearing down my house today. Do I have time to hit Lowe's and get them shovels so that they can get cooking in the garden? I'm thinking yes.


Kerouaced said...

Wow, parents crying? Great example. ha ha

Penny said...

I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm really really not.