Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Those  *@!^$&#!  tomato hornworms!!! They have made their mission in life to torment me!I knew it! I knew such a grotesque chrysalis could only contain something equally horrifying. 

As it has been so cold at night, I was concerned as to the fate of our chrysalis. I began another earnest search on the World Wide Web looking for information as to how best protect it from the elements. Damn if I didn't stumble across the fact that I have been harboring the enemy in our salad spinner. Oh the bitter, bitter irony at my discovery that I am cultivating the moth from which the most disgusting of creatures will be hatched. And now I have to throw out a perfectly good salad spinner because I will gag and dry heave every time I look at it.

That tomato hornworm is pure evil genius at its best, I tell you. Oh, but it did not count on having an insomniac bleeding heart mistress, did it? One who would be awake and searching the Internet at 4 am looking for how to best care for it? Game, Match and Point, ME, you revolting little pupa. It is ON. I am going out and getting a fleet of bracnoid wasps to greet you when you awaken from your slumber. And guess who is going to dig the hell out of that garden today in search of your brethren? That's right, bitches. You are all going DOWN. No moth stage for your life cycle.

WARNING: If you are this type of moth and come anywhere near my garden, 

your offspring will be making their exit from this world covered in gestating wasp eggs. Now go tell your friends.

1 comment:

Kerouaced said...

Damn, that was funny as hell...What is a salad spinner?