Monday, January 19, 2009

I am so freaking cranky lately for no discernable reason. I am an absolute pill. I can't fathom how my family can stand to be around me. and there is no reason for me to be like this. I wake-up, I'm fine. I go to sleep, I'm fine. In between, I am snappy and grouchy and want to grab my words from the air every time I speak. Do I need to be outside? Do I need exercise? More sunshine?  Vitamins? Highlights? More things crossed off my to-do list? I'm reading rather obsessively, book after book after book...sometimes when I do that, I think I become too entranced with the story I'm reading and become resentful of anything that pulls me from it. Great for being a college Lit major. Not so great for being a mom. I love the changing of the seasons, but I'm done with winter. Spring and fall should be extended and winter and summer should be shortened. That is my decree. Other than that, I plan on making a concerted effort to stop being such a joysucker.


Tracy said...

It's seasonal depression and it sucks. I'm right there with you and so very ready for Spring!

Kerouaced said...

I'm feeling rather ornery myself and I do think it has to do with being trapped inside and not getting any sunlight. Little things seem to irritate me that I normally wouldn't be bothered by.