Friday, January 16, 2009


what a crap day. made more so by the fact that it should have been a great one. the stars just were not aligned. cranky kid. unwelcome person at a friend's house whom i overheard on the phone to his wife being a full-blown cold asshole. he is probably the joy sucker. you expect to see someone bubbly and lovely and there he is instead. plus the fact that i had to hear him be cruel to her. i'm tired. i'm low. i was going to make a hair appointment, but now i think i'm going to do it myself. i'm not even excited at the prospect of slugging back the speak easy big daddy ipa. okay, i'm a little excited for that.

i have so many niggling little things to do. swim lesson sign-up, decisions about plans for the spring, i almost bought a bunch of organic seeds today before i remembered that i may not get to have my garden this year. this is the last year of having my child at home with me. i am not looking forward to next fall. i can't stand the thought of being apart from him for 8 hours every day next year. i'll have to find a job just to prevent myself from stalking him. 

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